Welcome to positive ideas, a site exploring consciousness

Welcome to positive ideas, this website is mainly about consciousness and particularly refining your ability to control your mind so that you are able to better achieve your goals. The products that I create and the books I publish have one end goal and that is to transform the emotional roadblocks so that the individual has more personal power to create and be positive.

I have been interested in positive thinking for over a decade and have read countless books on the topic and attended lectures but the most powerful piece of information I have come across has to do with brainwaves combined with my experience in the quantum healing hypnosis technique.

Most of us live in one reality so to say for the majority of our lives. It is determined by our culture, the family and friends we are exposed to and our dispositions. Few choose to venture out of our mental disposition to become aware of alternate realities or paradigms or have the said desire or ability to do so.

Just as you leave a town and live in another, you no longer have the same perspective. The more travel adventures that you have contribute to your experiences as a whole.

It is exactly the same with the mind. Again, intent and what would the purpose be is the reason why any en devour should be taken. So being clear on what you would like to achieve is important to getting results. Consciousness is a term that is a buzzword, implying awareness and even intelligence itself. It isn’t necessarily thinking but knowing.

Form Reality Ebook!

Take a look at my book! It is full of positive thinking tips, positive affirmations and positive thinking exercises.


