Powerful Questions


In the quest for finding meaning in life and creating meaning out of your own. It is very useful to ask yourself questions. This will guide your thought process on a path to where you are more aware of what you have been doing and what you could do to get where you want to go. Without further ado, a list of thought provoking questions.

  1.  What kind of mark do I want to leave on the Earth one thousand years from now?
  2.  Do I really know who I am ?
  3. If I take away everything I have ever learned to be true, what is left of me?
  4. How close am I to feeling blissful?
  5. What moments in my life did I feel bliss?
  6.  What is the most amazing thing I could give to the world?
  7.  How much time do I think about what I love doing?
  8.  Do I have a clear mental image of what I want in life?